
What is the Science of Petroleum Engineering? 

According to *Wikipedia*: Petroleum Engineering is a field of engineering concerned with the activities related to the production of Hydrocarbons, which can be either crude oil or natural gas Exploration and production are deemed to fall within the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry. 

According to *Petropedia*: Petroleum Engineering is a branch of engineering which is concerned with the activities corresponding to hydrocarbon production such as natural gas and crude oil. The process of exploration and production falls in the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry. Petroleum engineers help in locating the natural reservoirs of the petroleum deposits. The petroleum engineers along with geologists establish ways in which reservoirs are developed and then depleted and have the greatest impact on the field economics.

 According to *Brtiannica*: Petroleum engineering, the branch of engineering that focuses on processes that allow the development and exploitation of crude oil and natural gas fields as well as the technical analysis, computer modeling, and forecasting of their future production performance. Petroleum engineering evolved from mining engineering and geology, and it remains closely linked to geoscience, which helps engineers understand the geological structures and conditions favorable for petroleum deposits. The petroleum engineer, whose aim is to extract gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon  products from the earth, is concerned with drilling, producing, processing, and transporting these products and handling all the related economic and regulatory considerations.


What is Petroleum Engineering? 


Branches of Petroleum Engineering

During the evolution of petroleum engineering, a number of areas of specialization developed: drilling engineering, production engineering and surface facilities engineering, reservoir engineering, and petrophysical engineering. Within these four areas are subsets of specialization engineers, including some from other disciplines—such as mechanical, civil, electrical, geological, geophysical, and chemical engineering. The unique role of the petroleum engineer is to integrate all the specializations into an efficient system of oil and gas drilling, production, and processing.

 Drilling engineering was among the first applications of technology to oil field practices. The drilling engineer is responsible for the design of the earth-penetration techniques, the selection of casing and safety equipment, and, often, the direction of the operations. These functions involve understanding the nature of the rocks to be penetrated, the stresses in these rocks, and the techniques available to drill into and control the underground reservoirs. Because drilling involves organizing a vast array of service companies, machinery, and materials, investing huge funds, working with local governments and communities, and acknowledging the safety and welfare of the general public, the engineer must develop the skills of supervision, management, and negotiation.

The work of production engineers and surface facilities engineers begins upon completion of the well—directing the selection of producing intervals and making arrangements for various accessories, controls, and equipment. Later the work of these engineers involves controlling and measuring the produced fluids (oil, gas, and water), designing and installing gathering and storage systems, and delivering the raw products (gas and oil) to pipeline companies and other transportation agents. These engineers are also involved in such matters as corrosion prevention, well performance, and formation treatments to stimulate production. As in all branches of petroleum engineering, production engineers and surface facilities engineers cannot view the in-hole or surface processing problems in isolation but must fit solutions into the complete reservoir, well, and surface system, and thus they must collaborate with both the drilling and reservoir engineers.

 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production | TotalEnergies.com

 to be continued,, 

Mahmoud Ayman
Environmental Engineer


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